
At last, the list of entertainment options nowadays is sufficiently vast. As this exactly author, the segment of the entertainment goes to vary as the social classroom and the locality where the person inhabits. However, depending on its abrangncia and structure, it can not only be taken care of the local inhabitants, but the tourists also. After all, these leave its native lands to know and to live deeply new experiences, that is, to enjoy of moments that are not accustomed to live frequently, and with people, who most of the time, nor know. Therefore that Nan Sousa in interview to the Cazumb Periodical says that: ' ' the sector of entertainment of So Lus still is well ' ' indiferente' ' compared with other cities of equal potentiality turstica' ' (SAINTS, 2009, p.19). Therefore although to possess diverse attractive as: theaters, detaching the Arthur Azevedo, that possesss an unquestioned wealth; museums, as the Historical and Artistic Museum of the Maranho; restaurants with well typical foods as the rice of cux and the fish I fry; natural beaches and beauties, as the Lagoon of the Jansen. As well as its cultural centers, such as the House of the Maranho, that has everything on the Bumba-mine-ox, and the Ceprama, that has workmanships riqussimas that they mark the local artesanato, and its popular manifestations sufficiently diversified as the Bumba-mine-ox, Cacuri, Drum of Creole, Dance of the Lel, the Caroo, among others; still thus, it is not obtained to perceive investments in these, in order at least transforming them into products capable to provide significant shares for the local economy, and not even an exploitation of the attractive ones that already they possess, but well are not explored, as it is the case of Are Jose de Ribamar, who could excessively contribute for the solidification of the tourism of So Lus. In accordance with Zelinda Rasp, during the Cycle of Lectures on Influence Afro-Brazilian in the Maranhense Culture, ' ' many maranhenses are contributing for the disappearance of our patrimony not giving the had importance for the preservation of this, a time that always overlap the questions politics and econmicas.' ' (COMMISSION MARANHENSE OF FOLKLORE, 2009).