
I am thankful my colleagues for the proportionate honor in representing them here in this so important night for all we, and transmitting some words that can express the thought of the Group and serve at the beginning of reflection of this new challenge. Certain time Shakespeare said: ' ' we are made of the same substance that ours sonhos' ' However, if we are real, our dreams also are. This dream had beginning for longing for one day better in the future, thus made our registrations for the vestibular contest of the UNIBH, in the superior course in TPG. Anxiety for the test, anxiety for the result. At last, approved. School registration and first day of lesson. An individual silence, expectation, presentations. Occasion where all had said that they were shy, candy illusion.

In the first days the group already characterized itself for the pupils who were there: dedicated, formadores of opinions and very participativos. In the start we look at for the high one and we saw in them in a confused scene: strike, exchange of professors and coordinators, resignation of employees We kept firm our intention. Books, works, tests, without we had the accurate notion of the dimension of the challenge that waited in them. In that occasion, then Freshmen, we looked for in them to make familiar ones to the others and the new routine that if established. We take breath and we start the walked one.

Demons the first step and, each won stage, became more emotive. It is as the maratonista that is starting its day, breathes deep looking at a fixed point to the front, knowing of its difficulties, but with the faith of that it will reach its objective to the end. In way to the activities, the colloquies in the corridors, the group was if knowing, interacting, and a long and lasting spirit of collective was of course being constructed.