Brazilian Association

The workmanship if initiates with a commentary about the difficulties faced for the Brazilian medievalistas researchers in elaborating excellency works in the distance, considering of the great ones producing centers of research, making it difficult I interchange excessively it of information. In such a way, they were obliged to make use of great financial investments in trips, as well as, I acquired offered foreign books in the Brazilian bookstores, under high cost. The considered text makes aluso to the meeting carried through for the Brazilian Association of Medieval Studies, as well as, of the III VI the week of medieval studies, carried through between the years of 1995 the 2006, being possible to evidence the following one: in the first years, in both the events had recurrence, as much in the predominance of the subjects on the Iberian Peninsula and in the hegemony of the bibliography of French authors, as the lack of use of virtual ways of research. Only in the events carried through after the turn of the millenium, that we will have stories, despite shy, of access the world-wide net of computers (Internet). However the great impact in the study of Medieval History in Brazil goes to be observed by occasion of the popularizao of the use of the Internet what will occur the year of 2005 after, minimizing the limits taxes for the great distances and approaching great to research to the Brazilians, narrowing the borders. In detriment to this, the increase of the interest for different subjects is verified of, preferential, inhaled for the Frenchmen. For the authors, the Internet opened undeniable precedents, with ' ' the existence of thematic spaces specialized in medieval and the systematic feeding of same with brought up to date information proceeding from all part of the world ' ' , becoming source ' ' essential ' ' of studies for the researchers. .
