
We are living in a world where the majority of the people? they seat? on its proper defects to judge, to crucificar, friction This society leaves in them tired of enxergar as much inaquality, people who value not basic things, people with the look focado in the corporeal properties, status, modismo. Olaaa, WAKES UP! The necessity of the human beings is not only of material order. They are also of order psychological spiritual and. All person needs affection, needs to love and to feel itself loved, they want that somebody gives attention to it, and more than what this respects, it. All human being has its belief, the base of its hope is its faith. We are tired of as much hypocrisy, falseness, preconception, false moralismo, fingimento, superficiality.

Because to want to press the hand of a rich man? To want to enter for the cycle of people with purchasing power enormous? Already it stopped to think how many people lower its heads for this type of people? has more, in the front of the same ones they are of an immense education and when they pass for people who they had had little chance in the life, do not look at if it wants in its faces. These people also want education, attention, want affection, a length. They are part of the society! Ahh I forgot myself, is the haste! Work, study, etc, etc As our great actor says Softens Mazzaropi with its wonderful pearls in one of its amused films, ' ' fatigue does not take off the education of nobody! ' ' To blame the society the times is more cmodo, more the guilt starts for we ourselves, people if leave to lead for thoughts and attitudes of insolentes who live a style of morally questionable life. We must in the auto one know. Difficult? Not. Many only copy the others, find that they are not capable to make, to be, or simply to try to be better, that in my opinion this makes all difference. ' ' We go to renew the species human being, we go to invest in the soul, to not only rescue the nature, but the natural one, we go to vender the peace! ' ' I know in the truth really I would like that the world was as music Imagines of John Lennon. Impossible, however, to dream it is very good, and to make its part is better still!