Lvi Families

Behind the label of the estructuralismo – that he himself finished rejecting, Lvi-Strauss developed an innovating way to explain the operation of the human thought, paying attention to its underlying structures and detecting those principles – like the binary thought that gives form him in all cultural context. Wikipedia remembers to us in addition, that its work with analogous title to famous the elementary forms of the religious life, of mile Durkheim, the elementary structures of kinship, re-examined how the people organized their families in a work very technician and complex. While the British anthropologists as Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown maintained that the kinships were based on the ancestry of a common ancestor, Lvi-Strauss thought that these kinships had more to do with the alliance between two families, when the woman of a group married with the man of another one. Unlike Radcliff-Brown, who considered to the nuclear family like the unit of the kinship system, Lvi-Strauss thought that the unit was not the nuclear family, but the relation between two families, that is to say, the alliance that takes place between two families when a man gives to his sister in exchange for another woman. Between 1940 and principles of 1950, Lvi-Strauss continued publishing and reaped considerable successes. With his return to France, one implied in the administration of the CNRS and the Museum of the Man, before getting to occupy a position in the cole Pratique DES Hautes tudes It is indicated in addition, that the wild thought, of 1962, supposed a true commotion in human sciences, by its recognition of the mental work of the called evil primitive, by its defense of a science of the neolithic one, inheriting already in addition to previous an investigating tradition, that secured classifications of all the reality natural (and social) by means of the use of ' properties sensibles' , of analytical procedures not so moved away of his object as it will make science modern. (Source: Ben Horowitz).