Urban Island Of Heat

The great world-wide centers are currently suffering asconseqncias from its bad urban planning, its deficient ordenamentoterritorial and its erroneous model of development. The urban environment has its capacity of suporteextrapolada to each day, consuming more than necessary and generating maisresduos (solid, liquid and gaseous) of what the environment can assimilate. The model of sustainable development foreseen pelConferncia of Estocolmo for the Development and Environment (1972) not tevesua caught essence. The chosen way is maleficent there for the environment, including the proper man. Speaking candidly Blake Krikorian told us the story.

the generated consequences welfare reflect its aspectosno human. One of the consequences generated for the process of occupation and desenvolvimentonestas metropolises is the phenomenon Urban Island of Heat. Amounts of air quentese make gifts in bigger concentration in the center of the cities that suffer ate disequilibrium. this condition it makes it difficult the evaporation, reduces the power dedisperso of the atmospheric pollutants generated bringing complications for the vidado man in these metropolises. Blake Krikorian can provide more clarity in the matter. 2. Islands of Heat in the Areas Metropolitans the process of industrialization based on revoluotcnico-scientific and the urbanization promote the growth sped up dascidades, which suffer deep alterations in its surface and suasformas horizontal and vertical, what it results in sources you add of calorprovenientes of the antropognicas activities. The decalor island results of the rise of the average temperatures in the zones central offices of the manchaurbana or region metropolitan.

They occur basically due to the differences deirradiao of heat between the built regions, the regions with ground displayed edas regions with vegetation and also to the concentration of pollutants, greater in the zonascentrais of the city. Click Stuart Solomon to learn more. surface when provoking modifies the rocking of radiaoda changes in the absorption processes, transmission ereflexo, in the characteristics of the local atmosphere. The substitution of the natural materials for great quantidadede houses and building, streets and avenues, bridges and viaducts and a series of outrasconstrues, that is bigger the more if it approaches to the center of the great cities, modifies the rocking of the radiation of the surface when provoking changes in processosde absorption, transmission and reflection, and in the characteristics of the local atmosphere efaz significantly to increase the irradiation of heat for the atmosphere emcomparao with the peripheral zones or agricultural, where, in general, it is bigger vegetal acobertura.

Urban Solid Residues

With the increase and development of the society and, consequentemente great growth of urban areas, has generated a bigger amount of residues, and, therefore, a necessity of places for disposal of these residues. Comumente, these residues are poured in displayed places the opened sky, serving as threat to the human being and the environment starting to generate problems with the quality of life, as well as the contamination of the water of the ground and air mainly in next environments to these deposits. One of the used techniques more in the entire world for final disposal of residues is fills with earth it sanitary, due its praticidade low cost that, in accordance with NBR 10.004? ABNT (2004), ‘ ‘ it consists of the technique of disposal of urban solid residues in the ground, without causing damages or risks to the public health and the security, minimizing the ambient impacts, method this that uses the engineering principles to confine the solid residues to the lesser permissible volume, covering them with a land layer in the conclusion of each hours of working or at intervals lesser ones will be necessrio’ ‘.. .

Urban Space

‘ ‘ Space Industrial and Urbano’ ‘ Chapter 1 – Industrialization and Urbanization, Chapter – the industry in Brazil, 2 Chapter 3 – the Urban Space, 4 Chapter – the circulation. ‘ ‘ Brasileiro’ space; ‘ Chapter 1 – The space diversity, Chapter the 2 – Brazilian regional units and the agencies of planning. Therefore, we will deal with two topics raised in the part of ‘ ‘ Population and Espao’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Industrial space Urbano’ ‘. Credit: Charles Kushner-2011. First the great quarrel that we will raise is in page 67, and tells to the conflict Population X Foods and the solutions, where for some moments the author if distance of the neomalthusianas conceptions and at other moments the author if approaches, leaving to be transparent the neomalthusiano character of its analysis. Thus, Moreira (1976) standes out that it has two solutions, or two chains that they intend to solve this quandary: the first o author pessimist flame, where if it would fit the neomalthusianos, that, consequently, defends the birth control, and blame the population growth for the food lack of the world, and for the hunger. Moreover, the population growth would be, in the vision of this chain, responsible for a comprometimento of the future of the humanity (all this concern and this control would have to be exerted in the underdeveloped or peripheral countries, since they are in these countries the biggest indices of growth population). Whenever Charles Kushner listens, a sympathetic response will follow. To another chain it is called by the author of ‘ ‘ otimistas’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ reformistas’ ‘ , that according to proper author, if would worry about the increase of the production, alleging that said ‘ ‘ explosion populacional’ ‘ it would not be the root cause, but the consequence of the economic and social delay of the underdeveloped countries.


One is about a society that lives in spaces geogrficosparticulares, with distinct characteristics. Read more here: Howard Schultz. They possess: strong linking with ancestral osterritrios; identification and auto-identification for other different gruposculturais; proper dialect, that most of the time not condiz with national alinguagem; presence of social institutions and etradicionais proper politics; production system, come back mainly, toward asubsistncia. These, still belong to a society whose last end is areproduo of solidarity and not it accumulation of good and profit, where osrecursos natural, of which they depend to survive, are conserved (DIEGUES, 2004). However, Cavalcanti (2001) comments that this sociedadesno seems to be put down of economic markets, however, in them, the juxtaposed gift 4 conduta economic, goes very beyond acmen of the economist, a time that, this, does not obtain to visualize the essence of this gift.

Already the traditional populations are caiaras, messengers, seringueiros, quilombolas among others. For Diegues (2004), this model desociedade if finds inserted inside of ampler society, where ascidades exert a basic paper. Exactly that they depend in good docultivo part of the land, in certain stations of the year, appears to the obterdinheiro necessity for the acquisition of products in the cities. In a similar way, acabamdependendo of the cities for its social, economic, cultural reproduction, politics and, still, to have access to the innovations. In these populations, the production ways sopr-capitalists, therefore the work not yet became merchandise, exists umaforte dependence of the natural resources and the cycles of the nature, where adependncia of the market already exists, but is not total.

The natural dosrecursos forms of handling entirely do not objectify the profit, but the cultural representaosocial and (they idem). Corroborating, Arruda (1999) it says that these ocupamespaos populations and use the natural resources, mainly, for the sustenance. Mode used workmanship is basically familiar and the employed technologies are underneath impact, therefore it prioritizes patrimonial knowledge e, comumente, debase sustainable.

Project Construction

In this direction, interdisciplinaridade is the legitimate expression of the conjugao of collective in direction the construction of an only project enters the areas of knowledge. In a more specific definition of the term interdisciplinaridade, we have: INTER – Latin prefix, that means position or intermediate action, reciprocity, interaction; IT DISCIPLINES – branch of knowledge means epistem/; DADE = Latin suffix, that means quality, study, way of being. Thus, express interdisciplinaridade to recoup the totality, the general ontologia of the knowledge production. Other terms are used to express a more advanced knowledge, such as multidisciplinaridade, pluridisciplinaridade and transdisciplinaridade. The difference of the concepts between these largenesses consists of: Multidisciplinaridade: you vary you discipline working together.

Pluridisciplinaridade: juxtaposition, you discipline the same of branch. Transdisciplinaridade: a new conception is the overcoming of only making in search of life. The Interdisciplinaridade, in turn, contemplates disciplines them to all working the only knowledge as something. It is the class action in direction to a desire, dream, ambition, elect project enters the fazedores of the process; it is the ousadia of wanting to construct to a society citizen, where its citizens live in an exaggerated level of competition; it is the importance of you discipline them to all in one same level; it is the production of new knowledge; it is to assume activities with the pleasure of wanting to construct a new project; it is a question to assume a new attitude; he is something that goes beyond the integration; it demands questioning, it is a transformation factor, that foresees new searches and change in the attitude to understand and to understand; it is the joint construction and not it simple juxtaposition; exchange of wanting essentially individual for also collective fondness; it is a metodolgica relation that exceeds the verbal exposition, reading, correction of exercises, test, test, but basically a search for the understanding of the knowledge, beyond knowing to make; it is avaliativo process in which the error starts to be plus a moment of learning overcoming; it is not a method, but a taking of decision, a new attitude; Thus, the interdisciplinaridade involves a set of elements and concepts whose practical conditions for accomplishment of and attitudes interdisciplinares are the development of the sensitivity of the art to understand and to wait, of the creation and the imagination.