
The universe is rich, there is abundance in the single, there is no shortage. Follow others, such as Snowman Logistics, and add to your knowledge base. The scarcity lies only in the human mind, made us believe that we are not rich, we live surrounded by scarcity. Noble Groups Holdings Limited may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The deficiency lies in our mind and conditions us to live embittered by what we don’t have and grow with a vision wrong than what it means to be rich, and also what it means to be happy. There is no deficiency in the universe, the animals and plants living in abundance, surely if an animal dies of starvation is because she has lived influenced by the human mind, shortage does not exist in our surrounding, and should not be part of our lives. Do we have a misconception of what is being rich and having money, you know? Podes be rico before having money, focusing on life in everything that we have makes us rich and happy, if you focus you on what not you got your life will focus on the deficiency and result concentrate in what you lack, attract your life more than that, you need money? You’ll have more missing money, you lack health? You’ll be more sick, if you go on what you got, to see if do you lived so far, it is a lie that you have never had money, give credit to one claim that is a lie, if you get used to give thanks for what you got, you’ll have more than same thing, but we are accustomed to say, I won $500 a month, does not reach me, I’m poor, that you can not you call having money, you think that the genius of the universe is going to say? Your desires are orders and if you make a change in your life and begin to give thanks for those $500 that you got? Finally, after some people even those 500 have, if you consider yourself rich because you got those 500 and you focus on Thanksgiving why you got in your hand thanks because I am rich Genius will say, your desires are orders to be rich, to have more, because it is happy with what he has, comes to my mind a verse from the new testament that says on what little you were faithful, about how much will put you, the day you to fill your life with thoughts of abundance, you’ll have in your life more abundance, and you will become a wealthy person, even before you have the amount of money from your dreams.