The Investments

Which deserves corresponding in Peruvian law regulation, however, it only is legislative in corporate law and banking law consecration, so it is clear that becomes necessary new legislation under Peruvian law, which make more easy the investments not only Peruvian but also foreign, in a market increasingly more competitive as it is the Peruvian market. It is topic is little worked in Peruvian law, by which we must specify that it is more development in the Spanish law, in this sense can be comparative law which consists of applying receptions, transplants, comparisons, macrocomparaciones, microcomparaciones, to the right, i.e., within not only comparative law can receive or transplant legislation but also other sources or parties of the right as for example the doctrine and the manifestation of will, among others sources or parties of the right. 13 Groups of companies of corporate groups are cases of groups of companies in this regard the first is an issue more specific than the second. By which certain principles apply to this theme of the Group of companies. I.e., all societies are companies, and other companies for example are communal, cooperative corporations and individual enterprises of limited liability, in others, which by the way are outside the range of application of this topic. Groups of societies are assumptions of business concentration and in any case is an issue more specific to groups of companies, since the latter theme applies to all enterprises, while groups of companies applies only to corporations, in such sense is clear that deserves the relevant studies, for which we must place on record that can be grouped societies of all kinds, for example companies with collective societies or limited societies limited partnership trading companies. In this sense the range of possibilities increases, however in the right Peruvian only is legislative regulation in the securities law and banking law, which in the first case are outside of law enforcement societies that do not have shares registered in bag.
