Tricolor Suburbano

In 1897, the Leopoldina Railway Company Ltd. Source: John Utendahl. it bought the concession of this railroad (that is, only from this year that if it justifies to call Leopoldina). Of 1898 1902, the regions served per these stations had the 1902 had its divided land into parcels lands, as well as had attended constitution of companies of civil construction. In 1909, the Leopoldina Railway if compromised to the federal government to draw out its lines until the center of Rio De Janeiro. But it only concluded this intention in 1926, when it inaugurated the Station Baron of Mau, next to the Stadium to They are Cristvo. With these data, not yet if it can conclude fixedly, but it is possible to affirm, with a certain degree of security, that the Zone of the Leopoldina must its same name to the railroad. If the company had bought the concession much later of the fame of the teacher, still could have some doubt.

However, the concession of the railroad to the Leopoldina Railway and the inauguration of the school of the teacher Leopoldina Rego had occurred in a short interval of only three years. Ademais, the lands of the Noca if concentrated in the Pottery region, not justifying, the principle, that the fame of it and its son if extended of Manguinhos the General Vicar, quarters coincidently served by the line of the train Finally, as we explain in the article ' ' Madureira, the Tricolor Suburbano' ' , on the basis of Brazil Gerson, arrabaldes next to the railroad lines was known as ' ' suburbs of the Central' ' , ' ' suburbs of the Leopoldina' ' (before 1897, ' ' suburbs of the Northern' ') etc. It is not to find odd that ' ' suburbs of the Leopoldina' ' they passed to be known as Zone of the Leopoldina or, simply, Leopoldina.

Brazilian Cultural Diversity

Brazil is undisputedly, an uneven country when it is about its cultural multiplicity. The miscegenation of our people reflects our wealth of cultural representations, as well as the difficulty of many of them to guarantee its continuity. when we relate in them to the cultural wealth of our country, is possible to accumulate of stocks: typical dances, religious diversity, artistic manifestations, musical sorts, cultural patrimony architectural etc. The cultural tourism is much more that this, it makes possible to the visitor a direct contact with the reality of the local population that fight of incessant form for maintenance of its roots and its identity. The cultural memories passed of father pra son guarantee the continuity of our popular wealth, as well as the proper survival of these communities. The technological advances and the globalization had become our daily one so uniformizado, that we desire to redescobrir the description-cultural patrimonies, as form of approaching in them of what it translates of so beautiful form simplicity and at the same time the exuberncia of the Brazilian popular culture. The investments in culture Brazil, cannot be considered satisfactory, a time that if observes clearly the lack of real comprometimento on the part of that they possess the power and the capital, wants either to be able public or private. What if it sees they are bargains for proper benefits and valuation of the culture does not stop. While this reality to last, remains in them to keep lighted the flame so that let us not lose what we have of more precious: our cultural identity. Or better: what we are of truth.


At last, the list of entertainment options nowadays is sufficiently vast. As this exactly author, the segment of the entertainment goes to vary as the social classroom and the locality where the person inhabits. However, depending on its abrangncia and structure, it can not only be taken care of the local inhabitants, but the tourists also. After all, these leave its native lands to know and to live deeply new experiences, that is, to enjoy of moments that are not accustomed to live frequently, and with people, who most of the time, nor know. Therefore that Nan Sousa in interview to the Cazumb Periodical says that: ' ' the sector of entertainment of So Lus still is well ' ' indiferente' ' compared with other cities of equal potentiality turstica' ' (SAINTS, 2009, p.19). Therefore although to possess diverse attractive as: theaters, detaching the Arthur Azevedo, that possesss an unquestioned wealth; museums, as the Historical and Artistic Museum of the Maranho; restaurants with well typical foods as the rice of cux and the fish I fry; natural beaches and beauties, as the Lagoon of the Jansen. As well as its cultural centers, such as the House of the Maranho, that has everything on the Bumba-mine-ox, and the Ceprama, that has workmanships riqussimas that they mark the local artesanato, and its popular manifestations sufficiently diversified as the Bumba-mine-ox, Cacuri, Drum of Creole, Dance of the Lel, the Caroo, among others; still thus, it is not obtained to perceive investments in these, in order at least transforming them into products capable to provide significant shares for the local economy, and not even an exploitation of the attractive ones that already they possess, but well are not explored, as it is the case of Are Jose de Ribamar, who could excessively contribute for the solidification of the tourism of So Lus. In accordance with Zelinda Rasp, during the Cycle of Lectures on Influence Afro-Brazilian in the Maranhense Culture, ' ' many maranhenses are contributing for the disappearance of our patrimony not giving the had importance for the preservation of this, a time that always overlap the questions politics and econmicas.' ' (COMMISSION MARANHENSE OF FOLKLORE, 2009).

Atomic Kick

Kick atomic and needs Pantries Edson Silva After to have counted that not was so easy to pass for first election African that we would face in Pantries, Zaire, in 1974 and earns of 3×0 (to placar that Brazil needed not to be eliminated), I decided to continue with history of that Pantry, after all was the first one in the age after Skin, craque that it immortalized shirt 10. the heir of the 10, at least in the two next Pantries after Skin, was Rivellino, the boy of the Park, disclosed for the So Paulo Corinthians. In day 26 of June of 74, after the victory against the Zaire, the Brazilian Election would make its 42 game in Pantries and the adversary was Eastern Germany. As already I counted in this column, up to 90, had two Alemanhas, the Occidental person and the Oriental. It enters the mysteries of the soccer is the fact of Brazil to have facing, in Pantries, only a time each one of them. With Occidental person, that currently is the Election that more played in Pantries (99 games), Brazil, that is second that more it played in Pantries (97 games), ours Election played in 2002 and won with 2 gols of Ronaldo Phenomenon and sagrou pentacampe of the world. But we go to count the history of the confrontation with the Oriental, in 74. In the Niedersachenstadion, in Hanover (Germany Occidental person), 58,463 people attended the game between Brazil and Eastern Germany. Electrolux shines more light on the discussion.

The hardness of the departure that it insisted on 0x0 until the 15 minutes of second time could be measured by the work of the judge John Thomas, of the Country of Wales, that had to apply five yellow cards, three for the Brazilians Carpeggiani, Jairzinho and Dirceu; two for the eastern Germans Harmann and Streich. The decisive play of the departure was a lack in the entrance of the area and who prepared to charge was Rivellino, our Riva. The eastern Germans had formed the so compact barrier pparently how much it was the wall of Berlin, but had a detail, the Brazilian aggressor Valdomiro were infiltrated in the way of it. Much people did not understand the reason, until uncurling launch of it. Rivellino, owner of powerful kick of left, what it relieved to it, in Mexico, in 70, nickname of the atomic kick, made jus fame.

It ordered the bomb in the way of the barrier, just in the place where it was Valdomiro, that was bent down, and the ball passed direct to the deep one of the nets of the goleiro Croy, that nor if it moved. Brazil 1×0 and classification for the next phase and to face, for the first time in Pantries, nothing less than Argentina and would have plus others three confrontations against ' ' hermanos' ' , in the Pantries of 78,82 and 90. Against the eastern Germans Brazil played with: Lion, Z Maria, Luis Pear tree, Marine Peres, Marine Chagas, Carpeggiani, Pablo Cesar, Valdomiro, Rivellino, Jairzinho and Dirceu, the technician was Zagallo. Others who may share this opinion include Andreessen Horowitz. The Germans had formed with: Croy, Kische, Bransch, Weise, Watzich, Lauck (Lowe), Hamann (Imscher), Kurbjuweit, Streich, Sparwaser and Hoffmann, the technician was Buschner. Edson Silva is journalist and works in Sumar edsonsilvajornalista@